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Brigif Reservoir in South Jakarta Built as Flood Mitigation

Jakarta Provincial Government is currently building Brigif Reservoir on Jalan Aselih, Cipedak Urban Village, Jagakarsa Sub-District, South Jakarta. This reservoir is expected would free the local residents who constantly affected by flood for years in Petogongan, Kemang, Mampang Prapatan, Bendungan Hilir, and South Jakarta Mayor office area.

Brigif Reservoir would minimize inundation and flood in South Jakarta. This reservoir would also reduce water debit in Krukut River

“Brigif Reservoir would minimize inundation and flood in South Jakarta. This reservoir would also reduce water debit in Krukut River,” stated Jakarta Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo after he visited Brigif Reservoir construction site, Thursday (4/24).

As many as four amphibious heavy equipments are used in Brigif Reservoir construction. The reservoir itself would be as wide as 10.3 hectares. However, 3.7 hectares of land is still in land acquisition process, which until now has spent Rp 64 billion. The rest land acquisition uses the Tax Object Sales Value (NJOP) that estimated would spend at least Rp 74 billion.

One More Reservoir under Construction

As reported before, Jakarta Provincial Government is targeting to build 24 new reservoirs that consist of 15 small reservoirs (diameter of 6 hectares) and 9 big reservoirs (diameter of 20 hectares) in five municipalities. In addition, as many as 76 existing reservoirs will be dredged to be able to accommodate more water. Those reservoirs include Marunda, Rorotan, Pondok Ranggon, Giri Kencana, and Nusa Kencana.

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